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Faith That's Working


Harriet's Lesson Of Faith

Harriet Henshaw, a young woman from the rural town of Larell Falls, never expected to leave her comfort zone and venture off to the big city of Crescentview, New York. As a small-town girl, the thought of leaving her familiar surroundings filled her with trepidation. Yet, she took a leap of faith and embarked on a journey into the unknown.

This journey is reminiscent of the Christian experience of stepping out in faith. In the Bible, we find a similar story when Jesus bid Peter to walk on water. It was a step into the unknown, for man had never walked on water before. But Peter believed, and ventured out into a new experience.

Faith and works are often seen as two distinct things, but in reality, it is faith that works. Just as Peter's faith enabled him to walk on water, Harriet's faith propelled her to step out of her comfort zone and embrace the challenges of the big city. And just like Peter, Harriet found that she was better off for having taken that leap of faith.

In the end, Harriet's journey serves as a powerful reminder that stepping out in faith often leads us to experiences and opportunities we could never have imagined. It's a testament to the power of faith in action.

Prayer Focus:

Lord, help me to trust you when I can't trace your hands. Guide me as I step out in faith, just like Harriet and Peter did. Amen.

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