Modern Times: Ancient Words
The times in which we live are categorically strange, on the one hand you have people who are so "woke" that they are able to "cancel culture" while others are so fast asleep, by the time they wake up- this cultural-era, would have long passed. The Apostle Paul, here tells Timothy to be ready for everyone or every occasion. That's good advice not just to Pastor Timothy, but for all Christians. Whether we want to call the times, modern or post-modern, we still have to remain relevant. We owe it to the culture to be in-season and out of season. Of late, other voices can be tolerate, except the voice of The Believer. But that doesn't mean we go off and hide somewhere, to the contrary, drastic modern times, demand that be even more relevant.
The highlighted section above speaks to fellow Christians who want modern preachers, for modern times, yet the final admonishion of the soon to be dead Apostle is endure. As Christians, we must be flexible, but not to bend. While we are to be all things to all people, we still remain, honor-bound to Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen?