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When Enough Isn't


Phillip Barrington, a billionaire businessman, had it all - multiple mansions, a fleet of luxury cars and jets, and more money than entire countries. He thought he had enough, but he didn't. One day, he passed a little boy playing with a deflated old basketball. The look of peace and contentment on that little boy's face was more than he had experienced in quite a while. As he rode away, that image etched itself in his mind. 

On his way home, he passed the large neighborhood church, a place he had passed many times, but never bothered to go in. Today was different, however. For the first time in his adult life, Phillip Barrington, the extraordinarily rich businessman, crossed the threshold of a church, fell to his knees, and prayed to have the same peace he had seen on that child's face. 

Later that week, with a new sense of what enough really means, as he was passing by the park, he noticed that same boy. This time, he stopped, introduced himself, and gave him a brand-new basketball and a cash card loaded with enough money for him and his family. For the first time in many years, Phillip now truly had enough. 

Dear reader, this story is an appeal to you. Surrender your life to Jesus Christ, and experience true riches, peace, and contentment. As it is written in Matthew 6:33 KJV, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

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