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Little Henry's first solo airplane journey was a daunting experience. As the plane ascended into the sky, he found himself enveloped in a sea of unfamiliar faces, his small hand clutching the armrest tightly. The hum of the engines and the occasional turbulence only amplified his sense of unease. Tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down his...

Harriet Henshaw, a young woman from the rural town of Larell Falls, never expected to leave her comfort zone and venture off to the big city of Crescentview, New York. As a small-town girl, the thought of leaving her familiar surroundings filled her with trepidation. Yet, she took a leap of faith and embarked on a journey into the unknown....

The holiday season, while filled with joy and celebration, can also bring about feelings of stress, loneliness, and sadness, often referred to as the "holiday blues". Here are ten practical steps you can take to help manage these feelings and make the most of the holiday season.

Luk 18:18 And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

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