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Welcome To 2024
As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let us begin with a verse from the Holy Bible, Matthew 24:42 (KJV): "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."1 This verse reminds us of the importance of being watchful and vigilant in our faith.
Looking Ahead To 2024
7 Secrets To Having A Productive 2024
Last Minute Purchase
Have you ever made a last minute purchase at the store? You get to the register and realize that you forgot something? So you leave the cart, telling those behind you, you'll be right back?
When Enough Isn't
Phillip Barrington, a billionaire businessman, had it all - multiple mansions, a fleet of luxury cars and jets, and more money than entire countries. He thought he had enough, but he didn't. One day, he passed a little boy playing with a deflated old basketball. The look of peace and contentment on that little boy's face was more than...
Lost In Place
Tragedy In A Place Called Nowhere
Keeping Joy Throughout 2024
Here are some ways to maintain and spread the spirit of joy in 2024:
The Gift Of A Lifetime
Once upon a time, in the heart of a certain city, lived a man named Damian Lewis. A loving husband and father, he was adored by his wife, children, co-workers, and the community. Damian was a man of great compassion, always ready to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate. He believed in the power of giving and would...
More Than Words: When Actions Matter
In the affluent city of Silverspoons, Pennsylvania, lived a young African American couple, Frank and Mary Brady. Frank was a mid-management executive, always buried in his work, while Mary was a stay-at-home mom, nurturing their two boys and a girl.